Finally, a Simple Way to Understand Data Science

Learn through a story, not complex maths and confusing terms. This is a book about how data science is changing the lives of a clan of squirrels, who must beat the odds and find a way to gather enough nuts to survive.

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“Nuts About Data is a charming – and very fun – introduction to data science. I really appreciated how it uses a zany story about squirrels to guide you through how to approach and work through problems with data collection, analysis, exploration, and storytelling. I recommend it to any reader who is ready to get started exploring data.” – RJ Andrews, Data storyteller and author of Info We Trust

“Nuts About Data uses a fun and engaging story about squirrels and nuts to introduce readers to the key components of the data science process.  The ingenious tale includes drama, intrigue, and adventure to draw you in and keep you interested. It’s a fun way to introduce what can be a dry and opaque process.” – Daniel Haight, President of Darkhorse Analytics
“Nuts About Data is a fun introductory book about the data science process. Meor Amer tells a witty story about squirrels, mining for nuts, teamwork, and survival. It brings together the entire data science lifecycle from asking questions to finally storytelling.”
– Ryan Swanstrom, Founder of Swanstrom Analytics


Some of the reader reviews on Amazon..

“I didn’t even know what data science was before I read this…and definitely wouldn’t have thought it would be interesting…but it turns out it is! And Meor shows that in such a wonderful way!”

“I see so many uses for this book. I have a lot of experience with databases, operations management, marketing, and financial analysis. I find that these concepts apply to all of these types of positions.”

“I would recommend this for any kid or adult! For many reasons, but one interesting one I would say for anyone who teaches others in any way – is even just to learn how to teach difficult subject matter in any field in a understandable, relatable way. That is actually really rare to be able to do.”

“Data is the new electricity”

– Satya Nadella, Microsoft CEO

Every industry is going to be completely transformed by data. As a 21st century professional, you are increasingly expected to be data-driven and use it to bring value to your team. For what data literacy is today, think financial literacy – not everyone needs to be an expert, but everyone needs to have a strong basic literacy. 

But the subject seems so intimidating, dry and boring. What if you had a more friendly start into learning it?

Is This Book For Me?

This book is for you if..

  • You have heard people talking about data science, big data, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), but not sure how to make sense of these terms.
  • You want to boost your career by becoming data-savvy but don’t know where to start.
  • You have even attempted to learn data science, only to be frustrated by this seemingly complex and intimidating subject.

How Will This Book Help Me?

  • Discover the power of using data to solve problems via easy, memorable examples.
  • Gain the perfect start in your journey to become data-savvy.
  • Finally get data and learn enough to be able to confidently discuss about it.
  • Find the path to transform your career to become skilled in data.
  • Recognize the hype and reality in data science.

What You Will Learn..

  • Why you need to know about data science even if you are not a technical person
  • What is data science and how does it work
  • What are big data, machine learning, and AI, and how are they related to data science
  • What benefits do you get from data science, by understanding the kinds of questions that it can answer
  • Why you have a unique role to play even if you don’t plan to become a data scientist or analyst
  • The five steps of a data science project
  • The three levels of analytics 

What You Will NOT Find..​

  • Mathematical equations and confusing graphs
  • Complex statistics and programming languages
  • Deep dive into algorithms
  • Advanced subjects like deep learning and neural networks

This Book Is Perfect For You If You Are..

  • A professional (in any industry) who wants to be data-savvy
  • A leader who wants to build a data-driven team
  • student who wants to start developing data skills

This is a Story About..

..a squirrel country where a clan was suffering from a declining supply of nuts, their only source of food. They were smaller in number and inferior in physique compared to three other clans. They must beat the odds and fight for their share of nuts, mined in a very deep maze. Aly, the clan leader, sought the help of an unlikely source, Moe, to try and devise a plan using data science with their clan’s survival at stake.

About The Author

Meor Amer’s mission is to help create data-driven professionals and youths via an enjoyable learning experience. He has previously worked with clients in over fifteen countries for deploying telecommunications data analytics solutions and running training & enablement programs. For his MSc, he worked on machine learning techniques in biomedical engineering.

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